Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis | Personal Injury | Billings MT Chiropractic | Van Chiropractic Clinic
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Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis
by Dr. Grey Gardner

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Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a progressive spinal disease that affects the entire skeletal system including the spine, ribs, and pelvis. It impacts neurological, hormonal and digestive systems and damages the body’s major organs including the heart and lungs. It also severely depletes the body’s nutritional resources.

Surgical rods that fuse the spine do nothing to address the many biological and physiological aspects of scoliosis. In fact, an invasive surgical procedure can merely arrest scoliotic progression.

The Copes Scoliosis Treatment Recovery System(TRS) is a multifaceted treatment plan. It not only arrests spinal curvature, it corrects it — much like orthodontic braces correct teeth.

Spinal curvatures are reversed while the entire system is carefully re-educated to hold the correction.

Chiropractic care is vital to the success of the Copes TRS, and is typically administered 2-3 times per week during the first 12 months of the Copes TRS.  Thereafter, the frequency of chiropractic care is often reduced in accordance with the patient’s overall response to treatment.

Chiropractic physicians correct areas of spinal dysfunction via segmental adjustments and flexion distraction therapy. Heel lifts, tissue analysis and CLF board therapy are also administered by the treating chiropractic physician under the Copes TRS.

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In Health,

Dr. Grey Gardner

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