What Is The Job Of A Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialist (DACRB)? | Personal Injury | Billings MT Chiropractic | Van Chiropractic Clinic
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What Is The Job Of A Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialist (DACRB)?
by Dr. Grey Gardner

Read What Is The Job Of A Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialist (DACRB)? by Dr. Grey Gardner to learn more about Van Chiropractic Clinic and our Chiropractic office in Billings, MT.

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Chiropractic Rehabilitation Billings

Physiotherapy has been a part of chiropractic care since its early days in the 1880s. Today’s Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (DACRB) Specialist is a chiropractor who has had extensive postgraduate training in physiologic therapeutics and rehabilitation to help treat injuries that may have been caused by auto, the workplace or sports.

A DACRB practitioner uses a variation of active and passive treatments that not only include chiropractic adjustments, but coping strategies patients can use to lessen the fear of pain, and help to reduce anxiety and depression. After an accident or injury, a patient is likely to have musculoskeletal imbalances. The goal of a DACRB specialist is to restore balance, strength and muscle tone to the musculoskeletal system through the use of therapies and targeted exercises to ensure stability and help prevent a re-occurrence of the problem.


DACRB’s Also Provide Patient Education

If you have had an accident or suffer from chronic back pain then a chiropractic rehabilitation program may suit you. These types of cases require extra effort to address the amount strength and range of motion that has been lost. A DACRB not only provides physical therapy, but they help to educate the patient so that the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments will last longer and your recovery time from injury will be shorter.


They Will Create A Specialized Rehabilitation Program For Your Case

A DACRB specialist will design a structured rehabilitation program that is custom to your particular condition. In many cases, this will include specific sets of exercises you can do at home. You will also be taught the correct way to stretch so that you can avoid further injury to your soft tissues. These will help to restore coordination, balance and posture and will make your future chiropractic adjustments more effective.

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In Health,

Dr. Grey Gardner

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